Safe non-food consumer Products in the EU and China
The majority of toys on sale in the EU which come from China are good quality and perfectly safe to use. There are, however, some serious safety issues that reoccur time and time again. Looking at these re-occurring issues can help businesses understand the problems in toy safety and avoid repeating them.
Safety Gate/RAPEX
Specific examples of measures taken against dangerous toys offered for sale in the EU, including what risks have occurred, are available on the EU Safety Gate, which is a public website of the EU’s rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products.
The EU Safety Gate/RAPEX shows that a significant number of all notifications concerning Chinese products relate to toys. The EU Safety Gate/RAPEX and product recalls are covered in another module.
Examples of toys that have been associated with serious injuries or fatalities include high powered magnets, that can attract across the intestine (if swallowed) and lead to significant life changing injuries.
Button and coin batteries are another example of a product that has injured and killed many children. Toy manufacturers that include these batteries in their products, should be aware of this and ensure that they comply with the relevant standards and requirements. They should also complete a risk assessment to ensure that all risks have been addressed.
Learn more about safety issues on Safety Gate: the EU rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products
Learn more about the EU’s approach to toys
You can learn more about this subject in the case studies section.
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