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Safe non-food consumer Products in the EU and China

Toy safety

Learning outcomes

This module is aimed specifically at toy manufacturers and covers issues which are unique to this sector. Toys are the most frequently listed dangerous products in the Safety Gate statistics. Dangerous toys are a very serious issue, because they could harm the most vulnerable members of our society, i.e. babies and children.

The objective of this module is to give hands-on information to toy manufacturers on how to prevent bringing dangerous toys to the market.

At the end of this module, you will be able to understand the:

  • importance of toy safety for consumers in the EU
  • meaning of the word ‘toy’ in the EU and which products fall within this definition
  • main safety hazards for toys
  • steps that can be taken to design safety into toys
  • directives and harmonised standards that apply to toys
  • production and content of a technical file
  • process for undertaking a conformity assessment

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